Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So sorry to anyone who wanted to know what was going on in our lives.

Well I am terrible at putting anything on here. It has basically been a year since the last time I posted anything. Lots has happened since then :P, Ryan has a completely different job and Phoebe has evolved from baby to child in what seems like overnight, Me I haven't done a ton I was working and doing EMT school but now I do nothing but look for jobs.

We will be celebrating Phoebe's 2nd birthday in two weeks! Gah I can't believe that she is already turning into a "big kid" but I guess it just how life goes. She just amazes me how well she can talk already and how much she can understand me and Ry. We love her to pieces she keeps me going sometimes.

Ryan just started a new job at target in fort union and is totally loving it. His car projects have been put on hold due to lack of funds and the fact that we have a brand new car that we are just trying to keep up on so hopefully this new job will help him out and get us back on our feet.

I just finished EMT school this summer and am looking for a job doing that. Mean time I have just been doing the mom thing. Phoebe is going as a care bear this year and there will definitely be pics to follow :D. We are just taking life one day at a time and hoping its going to work out.

here are some recent pics of the munch, Enjoy!