Friday, January 8, 2010

Fall Time OH NINE!!

So I have been a total slacker on keeping my blog updated... But insomnia has gotten the better of me and pulled me out on to the computer! :P anyways... Since Ryan has had his amazing job selling Subaru's we have made so many new friends! In September we took phoebe to her first baseball game. Having so much fun, Phoebe got to meet the team mascot and me and my new friend Alex got to go play a game to win a free blue tooth! lol it was so much fun.

October came around and Halloween was in the air along with some funky witches and my little lady bug took flight! We had such an awesome halloween! Phoebe was the cutest lady bug around and we went trick or treating together and we got to spend some time with my grandma and cousins! Unfortunately Ryan had to work that night and Phoebe discovered what candy was truly and how to spot it lol... We found out one of ryan's cousin's was expecting her first baby through an exciting pumpkin carving!

Here are some Photo's to recap everything I just wrote up there! :D

Here is Phoebe not so sure about why a Giant Bumble Bee is holding her lol

Now Mike is here to protect her and she likes the Bee a lot more :D

I think Ash has some competition! :P

Phoebe's first autograph! :P (I am such a nerd)
Me and Alex battling it out for that blue tooth!a fun witch at Gardner Village

Waiting to go on our "hay ride" out to the Witches Cottage.

The next few pictures are her halloween costume! So adorable!