Saturday, December 13, 2008


Wow time has just flown by these last four weeks! She will be exactly one month old on December 14. We are having so much fun with her she has got to go so many places and meet so many different people! For example of one place she went, on Thanksgiving we went to Jessica's(Ryan's Sister-in-law) Mom's house and ended up meeting the entire Fullmer family. It was so fun, Plus I got to see a friend from high school who happens to be Jess's cousin. All in all this last month has been challenging but great! Ryan's job is going ok it could be better.... But it is a job and it gets us that much closer to being on our own again. I'm hoping to get a job as soon as possible but we'll see how things go with the baby and the economy lol... Phoebe is doing really good she's extremely healthy and just growing faster then I can keep up with her! She's having some issues sleeping at the right times at night but we're working through it and getting closer and closer each day! Our family is doing great Christmas is just around the corner and I'm so excited for her to be a bit more responsive to us it will be so fun!